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Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay

카테고리 없음

by feibeniopergatia 2020. 10. 23. 17:22


  1. 20 Must Have Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay
  2. Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay
  • Mods for realistic gameplay I was recently going through my mods folder and I noticed I have a LOT of mods to make gameplay more realistic for my sims. So I'm sharing the list here for other simmers with a sim ilar playstyle.
  • Mar 24, 2020  SIMS 4 MODS FOR REALISM & GAMEPLAY (August 2020 Haul) 14,786 Write a comment. Sims 4 Wicked Whims MAJOR UPDATE. 6,484 Write a comment. Must-Have Relationship mods for Realistic Gameplay. Updated: Mar 26. Improved Relationships Better Divorces No React to Strangers Death No Shy First Kiss SimDa Dating.
  • Aug 10, 2020  In this post I will be listing all of the best mods I have found for the Sims 4 that I consider essential for more realistic and interesting gameplay. Before we begin, there is a difference between “mods” and “custom content” or “cc”. Mods actually modify the.
  • Mar 01, 2020  The Sims 4: 15 Best Mods For Realistic Gameplay. For gamers who want their Sims to deal with all the same things we do in real life, these mods will get you there. By Leyla Resuli Feb 29, 2020. Share Share Tweet Email.

Oct 19, 2014  How to Install Mods in The Sims 4. Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, you should probably learn how to install a mod into your game. The Sims 4 makes it easier than ever: simply download the mod in question, unzip the files (they will typically end in.package), and then drag and drop them into the 'Mods' folder, which is already located in your Sims files (navigate to Documents.

cas ..

  • 100+ traits (honestly the best and most varied amount of traits you will find. It’s basically an unlocked version of all traits and really changes your game and makes your sims feel unique)
  • No Regrets Aspiration (an aspiration that focuses around your sims living life to the fullest)
  • 8 New Traits for Children(these 8 traits are really fleshed out and effect the way your child sims behave)

careers ..

  • Pharmacist
  • Drag
  • Animator
  • Graphic Designer
  • S3-S4 Part Time Jobs
  • S3-S4 Ghost Hunter
  • S3-S4 Daycare
  • Interactive Daycare(This allows you to have a daycare style career that is reminiscent of the sims 3 - it is an active career disguised as a social event)
  • S3-S4 Lifeguard
  • S3-S4 Military
  • S3-S4 Firefighter
  • S2-S4 Slacker Career
  • Psychologist Career
  • Zookeeper
  • Librarian
  • Airline Employee
  • Real Estate
  • (All of these careers are very fleshed out and work the same as jobs that are already in the game i.e. they have 10 levels and you need to gain skills and do tasks to be promoted. The Sims 3 conversions especially are my favourite)

gameplay ..

  • Simda Dating App (your sims can go on a date with a specific person, or a blind date with either a male/female. The date is a social event and takes place on real lots. You can also enable booty calls!)
  • Sit Down Please(a very necessary mod that forces your sims to sit down more often, this is useful especially at weddings)
  • Pregnancy + Proposal for Teens (Allows your teenage sims to get married and become pregnant)
  • Au Pair(similar to a butler but the Au Pair is hired to take care of your children, rather than to serve your adult sim)
  • Foster Family(this one is so cute! it allows you do foster a child or pet. You get paid for fostering them, and you can even adopt them. If they get adopted by another family, you can ring that family and check up on them!)
  • Do Homework at Desk (Sims will be more inclined to do their homework at a desk. Especially useful if you spend time making sure a kids room has a desk and then they never flippin use it)
  • Train Puppies (Allows you to train your puppies. There may be some issues with animation as the animations were meant for adult dogs)
  • Balanced death (Now your sims actually act appropriately do deaths. If they are an acquaintance, they won’t feel much. An enemy, they’ll feel happy. A family member, they’ll feel distraught, and it will last for AGES)
  • True Happiness (Changes the default mood setting to fine, not happy. Sims’ mood will change to happy when something genuinely good happens to them, rather than feeling happy because there’s a painting on the wall).

In this post I will be listing all of the best mods I have found for the Sims 4 that I consider essential for more realistic and interesting gameplay. Before we begin, there is a difference between “mods” and “custom content” or “cc”. Mods actually modify the game to change aspects of how it functions. Custom content on the other hand are game assets such as custom clothing and hair that add to the game but don’t actually alter gameplay. Does that make sense? Okay then, onto the mods!

Last Updated: August 10, 2020

MC Command Center (or MCCC)

This mod is huge and almost what I’d consider “all encompassing”. It is a master controller mod that allows you control over just about every aspect of gameplay plus it allows for story progression. Story progression means that the Sims you don’t control directly (NPCs or other families you’ve created but aren’t actively playing with at the moment) will continue to live out their lives, move between houses, get married, have kids, etc. while you’re controlling your family of Sims. One word of caution though, this mod is huge and has a ton of options. It’s best to read the documentation on the website fully and/or go through all the options in-game to see what they all do. Needles to say, you can do a lot with this mod. It can control your Sim’s pregnancies, edit just about every aspect of your Sim down to their active buffs (what emotions they’re feeling), and even slow down time. Like I said, read the documentation to see what all this mod can do and you won’t be sorry you did.

Wicked Whims

Before we go any further, this particular mod is for 18+ adults-only. It’s basically a sex mod but it goes far beyond that. It eliminates the censor blur, adds anatomical details to Sims, allows for animated “woohoo”, changes the term “woohoo” to “sex”, introduces new gameplay elements such as Attraction, adds the ability to sweat, birth control pills and menstrual cycles, and much, much more. Let’s face it, if you want reality in your game, you want Wicked Whims because what could be more realistic and natural than this stuff? I’ll be honest, this was the first mod that I installed to my game when I started playing back in June of 2019. It wasn’t because I’m a perv, it’s because without it the game is somewhat ridiculous on how it handles nudity and other such things. I mean, now they actually remove their pants to go to the bathroom! I highly suggest, if you’re of age of course, to give this mod a try and see what all it does in addition to the animated sex. Honestly, most of the sex animations are hilarious. At least I find them to be so. One more suggestion, when you download Wicked Whims, be sure to get Amra72’s animations for it. They are by far the best and most humorous. You can preview most of the others and get whatever you’re “into” via the links on the WW download page though you may have to sign up for the Lover’s Lab forum. It’s free so no big deal and you only have to sign up once.

Slice of Life


This is another huge mod that is a little hard to explain. Basically it adds several realistic elements to the game including things like acne, blushing and other physical changes to Sims based on mood, new emotions and buffs, a hugely upgraded cellphone menu, and much more. It just has so many new and realistic elements to it plus new events even. It also has a menstrual cycle mod included for female Sims but personally I prefer the menstrual cycle included with Wicked Whims so I didn’t install that part of the SoL mod. There is a memory system, sickness system, ability to get drunk, a body image system, and more than I could possibly explain in a short summary. KawaiiStacie is continuously updating the mod with new features so it changes often. Go download this mod and see for yourself!

LittleMsSam’s Mods

Okay, this isn’t a single mod like the others listed but a link to a creator of several very useful mods for added realism. Some of the ones I find to be the most essential are the following:

  • Automatic Thermostat: I can never remember to change the thermostat along with the ever changing temperatures so this is a lifesaver.
  • More Best Friends: Allows your Sim to have more than one Best Friend in a single playthrough.
  • Miscarriages: Because it happens in real life and adds another sense of realism to the game.
  • No Restaurant Bill When Invited: If an NPC invites you to dinner, they will pay for the dinner now and choose what is ordered.
  • Ultrasound Scan: Another realism mod and it’s just kind of an interesting new addition to the game.

Autonomous Proposals and Breakups

This is something I wish I had known about sooner but only recently discovered. It allows NPCs to autonomously propose to your Sim or to autonomously break up with them! How cool is that? No more having to propose all by yourself! It works! I had an NPC propose to one of my Sims!

Low Hygiene is Embarrassing

This mod changes the Sim’s emotion and buff from Uncomfortable to Embarrassed when their hygiene is low because doesn’t that make so much more sense? It’s a simple tuning mod but really adds to the realism.

Island Event Notifications

If you have the Island Living expansion pack, you may or may not know that Sulani has several town events unique to Sulani but there are no in-game notifications for these events so unless you’re actively looking for them, you’ll never know they’re happening. Not anymore! With this mod, you’ll get an in-game popup notification about any and all events that happen in Sulani. Now you’ll never miss a free BBQ!

Selectable Pets

One big change that Maxis made to pets in this iteration of the Sims is that they are no longer selectable and are basically NPCs that are a part of your household. No more! This mod isn’t perfect but it does the job. It allows you to see your pets emotions, buffs, needs, and give it simple commands. No more guessing what your cat or dog needs or how they feel! Isn’t that awesome?

Murphy Bed No Fail & Breaks Less

Ever since I bought the “Tiny Living” Stuff Pack I had lived in fear of my poor Sims dying from using the included Murphy beds. It happens too damned often and when they don’t die, the bed breaks! This mod changes all that so you can finally use these space-saving beds without fear.

Faster University Graduation

Let’s face it, it can take way too long to get your Sim through university to graduation in the new expansion “Discover University”. This mod fixes that problem by changing the number of classes required to graduate. It comes in several “flavors” but I use the one that cuts the required classes down from 12 to 8.

3D Eyelashes for Female & Male Sims!

This isn’t a mod, per say, but actually CC or custom content but I find it to be essential. This CC pack adds 3D eyelashes to your Sims that look so fantastic. Works for both males and females and for all ages. You can find the eyelashes by looking in the Face Accessories/Glasses sort.

Turn Off EA Eyelashes

This mod goes with the above 3D Eyelashes. This will turn off those blocky eyelashes from EA on all your Sims that you create so that you can add the 3D eyelashes to them instead. The creator’s main language is not English but I think you can get the gist of what they’re saying from their page on how the mod works and how to install it. Since the 3D Eyelashes only work for Teens to Elders, it’s best to only install the mod to turn off EA eyelashes for adult females and males.

Simulation Unclogger

This mod isn’t a fix but a “remedy” for Sims who get stuck while interactions are supposed to be happening. This works hand in hand with the next essential mod that I’ll mention below. It seem to work great and the modder who created it keeps it updated.

Simulation Lag Fix

20 Must Have Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay

Do you notice that when you set your speed to setting 3 that it sometimes slows down considerably? That’s lag! Notice your Sims standing there doing absolutely nothing? That’s also due to simulation lag! Get this mod which works together with the mod mentioned directly above to fix the lag in your game. It has been updated to work with the latest patch and this time the creator seems to be keeping it updated.

Last Exception Assistant

This isn’t a mod but a very useful online tool that is very essential if you use mods and are having problems with your mods. If you start having errors in your game and you don’t know why, it might be due to your mods. This will help you find the problem. Just follow the instructions and if you can’t find the answers on your own, there are several Discord and other help channels that will help you if you send them your lastexception.txt file.

Off the Grid Toddler/Pet Wash Tub

Does your Sim live in a tiny house and doesn’t have room for a bathtub but needs to wash their toddler or small dog? Have no fear! This wash tub is now here! LOL It’s cute and super handy. I use it every time I build a tiny house and need to wash my little doggies. It works great and it’s just recently been updated for the latest patch. This may seem more like custom content than a mod but it’s in MtS’s mod section so I’m recommending it as a mod, so there.

Tidy Details & Tattoos

This mod adds little labels to your CAS skin details and tattoo categories to help you sort through them and layer them as needed. The labels will always show at the beginning of each sub-category, even above items added by EA/Maxis. This way you can tell what a given slot each skin detail or tattoo will take up on your Sim. Very handy and now that I have it installed, I don’t know what I’d do without this!

Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay

That’s all for now. I’ll be updating and adding to this list as I find more mods that I deem essential for the Sims 4’s best and most semi-realistic gaming experience. Be sure to check out my Mods too! 😉 Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoy all of your new mods!